Personal Information
Protection Policy

Satoru Harada, President and CEO

HARADA CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) recognizes that it is important and our social responsibility to appropriately protect the personal information of our customers and everyone involved in the Company. The Company will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations as well as Guidelines on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related guidelines in order to thoroughly protect, manage, handle, and use personal information.

This personal information protection policy will apply to all services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as “Service(s)”) along with the privacy policy and terms of use established for each Service and other related rules.

The websites operated by the Company may include links to other websites; however, the Company will not be held responsible for the protection of personal information at linked websites other than the Company’s websites.

Basic Policy

1.Compliance with the Laws, Regulations, and Standards

The Company will always remain up-to-date and comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations, guidelines stipulated by the national government, and other standards. In addition, the Company will establish rules and a framework for the establishment of a system for protecting personal information, definitely implement and maintain the personal information protection and management system, and continuously make improvements to the system. The Company may revise the personal information protection policy with the aim of better protecting customers’ personal information and responding to changes to the laws and regulations.

2.Establishment of a System for Managing Personal Information

The Company will establish a system for appropriately managing personal information, and at the same time, thoroughly inform the Company’s regulations to all officers and employees and strive to ensure their compliance.

3.Acquisition, Purpose of Use and Scope

The Company will handle personal information within the scope of the purpose of use clearly indicated to customers and will not use the information for any purpose other than the intended purpose of use.

4.Thorough and Appropriate Information Management

The Company will maintain the personal information accurate and up to date and strive to prevent unauthorized access to the personal information, as well as the leak, loss, or damage of personal information, and continuously improve and correct information security.

5.Name and address of the Company and the name of the representative

10-14, Minami-semba 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Satoru Harada, President and CEO

6.Response to Inquiries Concerning Personal Information

The Company will promptly and in good faith respond to inquiries from the customers concerning personal information. When a customer requests the disclosure, correction, or deletion of the customer’s own personal information, the Company will handle such request in accordance with the laws, regulations, and Company’s rules only when it is confirmed through the procedure separately specified by the Company that the requestor is the subject person of the relevant personal information.

Revised on:April 1, 2024