Press Releases
We will exhibit at the CAFERES JAPAN 2021
■ Exhibition: CAFERES JAPAN 2021
■ Venue: Tokyo Big sight , Aomi Exhibition Hall
■ Date: June 9(Wed) - 11(Fri), 2021
■ Time: 10:00 to 17:00
■ Booth number: A9-16, Hall A
■ Display items and highlights:
At the exhibition, we will exhibit HACCP Station, which is a comprehensive support service for hygiene management that incorporates the concept of HACCP, and hygiene materials such as gloves that are useful in the field of food. HACCP Station is a system that can be used by companies that deal with food, which can centrally manage form management, temperature measurement, employee health and grooming management, etc., which are the basics of hygiene management that incorporates the HACCP concept. This year we have started full-scale provision of comprehensive services including automatic temperature measuring equipment necessary for more accurate and efficient hygiene management. We will jointly operate with our partner Sumitomo Densetsu Co., Ltd. to provide services that are useful for food safety management in all industries such as restaurants and food factories. At the exhibition hall, we plan to demonstrate the actual operation screens and equipment.